Sunday, October 20, 2013

Mold Design and Manufacturing Analysis

The moon and stars design of the yoyo is made up of two parts, one injection molded and one thermoformed.  The black injection molded part is meant to frame the white thermoformed part such that white moon and star are visible through the injection molded piece.  Below are the molds for the injection molded moon and star part, core mold on the left and cavity mold on the right.

The cavity mold defines the outer shape and thickness of the part and is complete with sprue and runner. The more complex core mold is shown below in more detail and has four ejector pin holes for  removal of the part from the mold.  This core mold will create the moon and star-shaped stencils in the part, through which the thermoform part will fit.

These molds were scaled in order to account for inherent shrinkage in the injection molding process.  To determine a reasonable scaling factor, a similar injection molded piece found in the lab was measured with digital calipers eight times each for three different features on different iterations of the part.  The same features were measured on the molds and then percent shrinkages were calculated with the averaged eight measurements of the parts.  For example, the average measured disc thickness was 0.147813 mm while the thickness imposed by the mold was 0.149 mm.  This comes out to a percent shrinkage of 0.803382664.  Therefore, since the goal thickness for our injection molded part is 0.1 mm, the molds were designed with a 0.108 mm thickness in mind to compensate for shrinkage.

Manufacturing Process:The cavity and core molds were both manufactured entirely on the mill, with the cavity mold taking approximately two minutes to complete and the more complex core mold taking around one hour to finish.  To begin with, the mold blanks were faced in order to ensure the tops of the islands on the core  mold would be flush with the bottom of the cavity mold.  After the milling process, the ejector pin holes and sprue were reamed.  Below are the process plans for each mold, detailing operations and tool changes. 

Cavity Mold:

Faces surface of the cavity mold blank.
Pocket (Standard)
Removes material in center of piece, depth of .108”
Contour (2D)
Creates the runner at a depth of 0.09”

 Core Mold:

Faces top surface so top of islands will fit perfectly with bottom of cavity mold
Center drills for the 4 ejector pin sites.
Peck Drill
Creates the through- holes for the four ejector pins.
Pocket (Facing)
Faces surface of the core mold blank, leaving a buffer distance around the island.
Pocket (Remachining)
Removes closer to the island, creating finer details.

Manufacturing time estimates:
Mold Machining time:
Machining time (min)
Final production run
Body Cavity Mold
Production runs: 38min
Remachining: 5min
Body Core Mold
Thermoform M&S insert
Production runs: 30min
Remachining: 20min
M&S core mold
Production runs: 18min
Remachining: 20min
M&S cavity mold
Thermoform Window mold
Production runs: 30min
Remachining: 2min
Ring core mold
Production runs: 30min
Remachining: 3min
Ring cavity mold

Total mill/lathe time: 125min
Total Injection mold machine time:  245min
Total Thermoform machine time:  140min

For the process of optimization, it is estimated that 4 production runs of 8 parts will be made. The amount of time to produce one part was estimated based on the part thickness. The components of a cycle of injection molding include mold closure, injection, pack and hold, part cooling, mold opening, and ejection. The driving component of total injection molding time is the cooling time needed.  This was estimated using the formula T_cool = h^2/4α and the material properties of ABS (we were unsure what material will actually be used). For example, the cooling time for the yo-yo body was estimated to be ~45 seconds, and total part production time ~1 minute and 5 seconds (20 seconds for all other components of injection molding process).

For thermoforming it was assumed that the HIPS would take about 30 seconds to heat up and would freeze upon contact. The remachining time for the optimization process was estimated based on the complexity of the mold – e.g. whether it would only be necessary to turn the part to a slightly smaller diameter, or if it might be necessary to redo detailed engraving work.

For the final production run, the time to make one part was multiplied by the 100 of each part needed.
It was decided that the rocket will be no longer be injection molded. Instead it will be laser cut from acrylic, which will take about an hour.

Here is the cavity of the mold for the Space Yo-yo's body. The outer diameter of the upper part of the cavity is expected to be reworked to account for excess shrinkage in the part. This is to make sure that the outer diameter of the space yo-yo matches the expected 2.5".

The dimensions of the body core mold (above) were increased from the original drawings due to the desire for a thinner yo-yo body. The slight burrs left on the top edge were removed with a file to prevent the possibility of that slight undercut affecting the ease with which the finished part can be ejected. The outer diameter of the core is expected to be modified based on shrinkage form.

The ring cavity mold consists of a circular cavity with the outer diameter of the ring and three runners. The top runner leads to the sprue while the remaining runners lead to ejector pin holes located on the core mold. These runners might need rework so as to ensure that there is enough material for the ejector pins to push on. This will ensure that the workpiece is ejected successfully.

The ring core mold consists of a circular island with an inner diameter slightly larger than that of the inner window. The mold has two holes set a distance away from the island, which are for the ejector pins, which will come into contact with the runners on the cavity mold to help remove the ring from the mold. The diameter of the cavity may need to be modified/decreased in order to make sure that the thermoformed window fits inside of the ring, but it is not a critical dimension.

This is a thermoform mold, minus the suction holes and punch guides which have been added since this picture was taken. There may be webbing on the parts this makes between the star and its trail, so more suction holes may have to be added.

This is the completed mold for the thermoformed yo-yo window. The top surface of the mold (which corresponds to the top of the window) was machined at a slower feed rate than the rest of the part for a higher-quality surface finish, which should be reflected in the thermoformed parts. The alignment pins (the two posts on the edges of the material) will act as guides for the punch. Suction holes (very small circle, front center of the part), which were created using a #68 drill bit, should help ensure that the vacuum pulls the plastic sheet into the correct shape. Since this part does not have any critical dimensions, we are not anticipating needing to rework this part.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

  Introducing the Space Yo-Yo®

It's out of this world

Coming to a planet by you December 2013

The Space Yo-Yo® is a revolutionary yo-yo designed from the ground
up to bring the feel of space travel straight to your hand. Incorporating
 the manufacturing and design skills of the 2.008 Lab Group D3, the
Space Yo-Yo® will make you feel as if you were on the moon. Today's blog
post will go over a quick summary over how the parts of the Space Yo-Yo®
will be manufactured and assembled.

The Space Yo-Yo is composed of two identical halves. Each half is
composed of 6 parts: the Body, the Moon and Stars, the Night Sky,  the Rocket,
the Window, and the Ring. Each half of the Space Yo-Yo® is connected
by a 10-24 bolt that screws into machine nuts embedded in the Body of the
Space Yo-Yo®
 The half assembly of the Space Yo-Yo® 

The Body of the Space Yo-Yo® is to be injection molded by the injection molding 
machine located at MIT's Laboratory for Manufacturing and Productivity. The thickness 
of the Body ranges from .2" to .25" to allow for easier flow of injected plastic. 
The outer surface of the body is angled outwards for easier removal from the mold cavity. 
The inner hole of the Body is designed to hold the the Moon and Stars, the Night Sky,  
the Rocket, and the Window. With the Ring snap fit in to secure them in place. 
The Body of the Space Yo-Yo®

The Moon and Stars of the Space Yo-Yo® is thermoformed plastic designed to resemble 
a shooting star over the moon. The Moon and Stars is designed so that the raised regions
are not tightly grouped for easier thermoforming. 
The Moon and Stars of the Space Yo-Yo®

The Night Sky of the Space Yo-Yo® is to be injection molded by the injection molding 
machine located at MIT's Laboratory for Manufacturing and Productivity. The Night Sky is 
designed to fit over the Moon and Stars to create the illusion of being in space. The Night Sky 
has a constant thickness which allows for easier plastic flow during injection molding.
The Night Sky of the Space Yo-Yo®

The Rocket is of the Space Yo-Yo® is to be injection molded by the injection molding 
machine located at MIT's Laboratory for Manufacturing and Productivity. It is designed
to resemble a rocket flying through space. The rocket has a constant thickness 
which allows for easier plastic flow during injection molding.
The Rocket of the Space Yo-Yo®

The Window of the Space Yo-Yo® is a thermoformed designed to allow a clear view of 
all the parts under while creating a smooth surface on the top of the Space Yo-Yo®. The 
window has a single raised feature with no fine details for easy thermoforming. 
The Window of the Space Yo-Yo®

The Ring of the Space Yo-Yo® is  is to be injection molded by the injection molding 
machine located at MIT's Laboratory for Manufacturing and Productivity. It is a simple 
round ring with a constant thickness making injection molding easy. It is designed to snap 
fit into the Body to hold all of the parts together. 
The Ring of the Space Yo-Yo®

We made a set of specifications for our yo yo. Ideally, each of the finished assemblies should be within the listed tolerances. We will measure the parameters that we can once production begins and analyze how well our processes were controlled.

TargetToleranceMeaurement Device
Complete assembly
Diameter2.500"+/- 0.005"Digital Calipers
Total Width1.575"+/- 0.005"Digital Calipers
String gap0.075"+/- 0.005"Digital Calipers
Mass84.00g+/- 5.000 gScale
Max rotation speed5100 rpm+ 1000 rpm/- 500 rpmLaser tachometer
Moment of inertia (Izz)0.1474 lbs*in^2----
-- Center of mass (x)-0.0105"+/- 0.005"--
-- Center of mass (y)0.0054"+/- 0.005"--
Height of oscillations0.0118"+/- 0.005"--
Total string clearance0.025"+/- 0.010"Digital Calipers
Part 1: Body of yo-yo
Inner diameter1.988"+ 0.000"/-0.005"Digital Calipers
Engagement length0.215"+/- 0.005"Digital Calipers
Part 2: Ring
Outer diameter2.000"+ 0.005"/-0.000"Digital Calipers
Thickness of outer diameter (engagement length)0.215"+/- 0.005"Digital Calipers
†dropped from a height of 30" (no throw)

Many of our specs come directly from our SolidWorks model. The program has built in tools to calculate mass properties, such as moment of inertia and center of mass. Calculating rotation speed and oscillation height took a bit of 2.003 magic, which is really the just the application of the laws of motion.

If we hope to get close to the targets, we need to compensate for shrinkage in the injection molded parts. We estimated our correction factors by measuring parts and the molds they came from made in previous years with similar geometry.

We've also created a Gantt chart to keep track of all major tasks and deliverables. Who is responsible for what components may change over the course of the semester, but right now it has been divided up as follows:
For part/mold design:
Body - Matt, Rachel
Moon and Stars: Nelson, Camille
Ring, Window, Rocket: Oscar, Emily

For manufacturing:
Body: Matt, Rachel
Moon and stars insert: Nelson, Camille
Thermoform parts: Nelson, Rachel
Ring, Rocket: Emily, Oscar

To view the full version of the Gantt Chart: